The Medical History of the Confederate States. 119
South Carolina 33 7 3
Tennessee 70 12
Texas .... 22 32
Virginia 64 19 4
Confederate 8 6
Total 536 124 13
Grand total regiments... 673
Total number of battalions infantry 67
cavalry 28
artillery 50
Total 145
Total legions infantry ,. 13
cavalry 3
Total 16
Total battalions and legions 161
Total regiments 673
Total regiments, battalions and legions comprising the Confede- rate army during the war 1861-1865 , 834
If one surgeon and two assistant-surgeons be allowed to each separate command actively engaged in the field during the civil war, 1861-1865, the numbers would be as follows :
Surgeons 834
Assistant-surgeons 1,668
Total 2,502
The medical officers of the Confederate navy numbered :
Surgeons 22
Assistant-surgeons 10
Passed assistant-surgeons 41
Total medical officers C. S. N 73