Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/370

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

about twenty-five men, with William A. Smoot as commander. Cap- tain W. Gordon McCabe commanded the veterans of A. P. Hill Camp, No. 6, of Petersburg, which was one of the largest organiza- tions among the division of old soldiers. The drum- corps of this organization preceded the warriors from the Cockade City, who num- bered about one hundred. Maury Camp, No. 2, of Fredericksburg, numbered about forty men, and was commanded by W. B. Good- rick. The veterans of George E. Pickett Camp, No. 2, presented a splendid appearance. They numbered about sixty men, and were headed by Commander Catlett Conway.

A number of other Confederate camps and veteran organizations were in line, and among these were the members of the old Thir- teenth Virginia Infantry and the Richmond Light Infantry Blues' Association.


Last in the military column came the Sons of Confederate Vete- rans. R. E. Lee Camp, No. i, of this city, numbered about thirty men, and was under the command of Mr. W. Dean Courtney, while R. E. Lee Camp, No. 2, of Alexandria, which was headed by Mr. U. S. Lambeth, numbered about fifteen men. R. S. Chew Camp, of Fredericksburg, presented a splendid appearance, as fifty-four men paraded, and all of them wore the new uniforms of the organization, which are similar to those of the veteran camps. The officers of the Fredericksburg " Sons" are: James A. Turner, commander; W. H. Merchant, adjutant; J. F. Anderson, first lieutenant; John B. Cox, second lieutenant; F. H. Revere, first sergeant; Thomas Larkin, orderly sergeant. This camp was accompanied by Bowering's Band of twenty-three pieces.

The members of the Board of Aldermen and City Council, who rode in hacks, brought up the rear of the line, which was followed by vehicles of every description, which contained people who were going to the unveiling.


As the soldier boys reached the Lee monument each infantry com- pany came to a "carry/' and the parade around the statue was to the strains of a funeral dirge. Upon leaving the immortal Lee in bronze the order to reverse arms was executed. This portion of the