Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 23.djvu/380

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'574 Southern Historical Society Papers.

The following ladies, native Georgians, were in charge, with the Vice-Regent as chairman: Mrs. Barton Haxall Wise, Mrs. Thomas E. Binford, Mrs. Luther Warren, Mrs. Peyton Wise, Mrs. Ashton Starke, Mrs. Charles Ellis, and with the committee the following young ladies: Misses Tatum, Peebles, Causey, of Delaware, Mary De Noble, Morgan, of California, Jenkins, Harrison, and the Misses Mosby, daughters of the celebrated partisan ranger, Col. John Singleton Mosby. These ladies were all in full dress.


This room was very artistic in its decorations. Oriole and black were the conspicuous colors in this room; over the main window of which the State name appeared in evergreen.

Among its interesting contents was a bust of Gen. Robert E. Lee, executed by the late Frederick Volck; presented by the Society ol the Army and Navy of the Confederate States of Maryland. The bust was undertaken about the time of the battle of Chancellorsville, when General Lee was in his mental and physical prime. The linea- ments were carefully taken by actual measurement, and Mrs. Lee herself arranged the hair of the General for the sitting. The clay model was carried to Europe, and the bust was cast in bronze at Munich, by Weber, under Volck' s direction. Volck had received a commission to execute a statue of Stonewall Jackson, and was in Europe for that purpose when the collapse of the Confederate States came. A pocket handkerchief belonging to the great General, given by Mrs. Henry C. Scott, of Ashland; a crucifix made of bullets col- lected from the battle of the Crater, and given by Mrs. Randolph Tucker.

Although the display is as yet small, the ladies have had assur- ances from the Confederates of Maryland, upon whom they rely, for gifts which will speedily make the Maryland room one of the most appealing and attractive in the building.

In this room were Mrs. Charles Marshall, Baltimore, Md., Regent; Mrs. Charles O'B. Cowardin, nee Anne Moale, of Bal- timore, Md., Vice-Regent; Mrs. Thomas H. Leary, Jr., alternate; Mrs. J. D. Patton, Mrs. H. Frazier, nee Nannie Turpin Maryland; Mrs. E. T. D. Myers, Jr., nee Grace Adams, Maryland; Mrs. Waller Morton, nee Mclntosh, Maryland; Mrs. Alfred Gray, Mrs. B. Saunders Johnson, Maryland; Mrs. John Goode, nee Lelia Syming- ton; Mrs. Bradley T. Johnson, Maryland; Mrs. Thomas Symington,