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78 Southern Historical Society Papers.

age, fidelity and heroism they left cannot be useless to mankind; the scroll of honor upon which their names are written high cannot, and shall not, be effaced or tarnished by their descendants and their kin- dred. And what a noble band they were. Ramseur, Fleming, Durham, Harris, Davis, Chambers, thePhifers, Adams, Lytle, Krider, Grier, Horan, Thompson, Alex Barrett, Summers, Crawford, Ardrey, Barnett, Dixon, B. F. Dixon, Torrance, Linebarger, Rankin, Connor and Sherrill. As was said of a group of noble young Englishmen, it may be truly said of them:

" Blending their souls' sublimest needs

With tasks of every day; They went about their greatest deeds

Like noble boys at play."

How their bright young faces come back over the vista of all these long years! How splendid and great they were in their modest, patient earnest love of country! How strong they were in their young man- hood, and pure they were in their faith, and constant they were to their principles ! How they bore suffering and hardship ; and how their lives were ready at the call of duty! What magnificent courage; what unsullied patriotism ! Suffering they bore, duty they performed and death they faced and met; all this for the defense of the dear old home land; all this for the glory and honor of North Carolina. As they were faithful unto thee, guard thou their names and fame, grand old mother of us all. If thy sons in the coming time shall learn the lesson of heroism their lives inspired and their deeds declared, then not one drop of blood was shed in vain. If they emulate them, and lift yet higher the banner of the old land's honor, credit and worth, then the agony of defeat is healed to those who survive.

To the memory of those who fell, and those who have since passed away, this imperfect tribute is offered. To the veterans of the Forty- ninth, who are among the living now, an old comrade salutes you.

THOMAS R. ROULHAC, ist Lieutenant Company D. , Forty-ninth N. C. S. T.