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May 27, 1862, it was ordered to n-port to Major Jours' Battery, No. 3, in-ar Richmond, \'a., as a reserve to sustain our forces in the event of need at the battle of Seven Pines, &c.
June 1 4th, it was ordered to Battery 10, near Richmond.
July 1 5th. it was ordered to report to Brigadier-General John H. Winder, to do guard duty at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va.
July I4th, it was assigned to the 6ist Regiment of Virginia Infan- try, under command of Colonel Samuel M. Wilson.
July 2oth, it was ordered by Lieutenant-Colonel W. F. Neimeyer, 6ist Virginia Infantry, to report to the headquarters at Dunn's Hill, and was designated Company I in the regiment. About this time Cohoon's Battalion of Virginia Volunteers was disbanded, and the men of conscript age in Captain Max Herbert's command were assigned to the company.
By command of Brigadier-General S. G. French, dated August 28, 1862, all men in Captain McAlpine's Company, formerly of Cap- tain Herbert's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Cohoon's Battalion, will be promptly returned to Captain Herbert.
The last of August, 1862, the company was ordered to Brook Turnpike, near Richmond, and in September to Rapidan River, Orange and Alexander Railroad, and there performed fatigue duty at Bristoe Station, some distance up the road, in the removal of burnt cars, &c. It thus saved an immense amount of property.
On September 29, 1862, the enemy advanced, and a part of our regiment, comprising about 200 men, gave them battle and repulsed them. This was at Catlett Station, Orange and Alexandria Railroad. The strength of the company was 59; present for duty, 47; absent, sick, 7; absent on leave, i; absent on detail, 4; total 59.
Lieutenant-Colonel William F. Neimeyer at this time ordered the sick from Washington Hospital, about 1,500 in number, to Rich- mond. Also about this time Colonel V. D. Groner took command as Colonel of the 6ist Virginia Infantry, Colonel Samuel M. Wilson having resigned. The regiment proceeded to Fredericksburg as the advance- guard of General Lee's army, previous to the battle 01 Fredericksburg. We were there assigned to General William Mahone's Brigade, and became identified with that command there- after.
At the battle of Fredericksburg, December 11, 12 and 13, 1862, the strength of the company was 58; present, 44; absent, sick, 10; absent on detail, 4.
Immediately after the battle of Fredericksburg we were encamped