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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 24.djvu/356

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4* Soiitlnr,, nixtorinil Xm-iety Papers.

July yth. Captain Moorman reporting sick, I took command of Co. D, 1 4th Virginia Cavalry. We marched towards Sharpsburg, and had some skirmishes with the enemy, who left several dead, wounded and prisoners in our hands. It was a reconnoitering move- ment. On our advance we passed an interesting group Generals Robert E. Lee, Longstreet and others. About three miles from Sharpsburg our course of march was changed, and we advanced towards Boonsborough. About five miles from this village, we en- camped. The rain poured down and the creeks and the Potomac began to rise.

July 8th. Early in the morning I received orders to report with my company at General Robert E. Lee's headquarters. The Gen- eral was already waiting, and instructed me to leave half the com- pany with him, and to take the van with the other half. He also directed me to attack the enemy's outposts whenever I should meet them, and to send a messenger to him in such an event. We had not advanced far when we saw a Federal vidette, and charged upon it. We surprised the whole outpost, killing two. I sent word at once to General Lee, and waited further instructions. About 9 o'clock heavy cannonading was heard in the direction of Boones- borough, and soon after I received order to advance to the field of action. The enemy made up a very strong force of cavalry, artil- lery and infantry. General Fitzhugh Lee attacked the left wing of the Federals, General Jones their centre, and Jenkins' Brigade was to fight the right flank. At 10 o'clock, and about two miles from Boonesborough, we came under the enemy's fire. We dismounted, and the whole brigade charged on the enemy's position behind stone fences and in the woods, yelling almost like Indians. We drove them back about a mile, and held our ground, in spite of a terrible carnage of bullets and shells. At 7 o'clock I received order to' slowly fall back, when the enemy made desperate efforts to cut us off in a defile near Antietam bridge, but got out of the scrape unhurt. The field of action was the historical ground known as the battle- field of Sharpsburg, or, as the Federals term it, Antietam. On our side several officers and men had been killed. I lost three men, and my uniform jacket showed a bullet-hole. When we fell back we had only two cartridges left for every man. The aim of this engagement was to ascertain the position and strength of the Federal forces which are reported to concentrate at Frederick City. Another great battle seems to be imminent.

July Qth. At 7 o'clock in the morning our cavalry force again