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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 24.djvu/67

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Autobiography of '/////// /'///</// .\n'l< />//. .v.i

\\dcd with tin- best talent of Tennessee, Alabama and other Stati-> which had been attracted to this new country by its great pros- perity and promise. I ace. -pied the position of deputy sheriff of De Soto county under my brother-in-law, Col. James Ij. Murray, who had been elected to that office in the fall of 1X43. I held this posj tion, from which a eomf rtable supp >rt wa* derived, till 1846, when the prospect seemed favorable to commence the practice of law. In the summers of 1X44 and 1X45 I spent three months of each year at the law school of Judge Thomas H. Monroe at Montrose over at Frank- tort, Ky. I have always regarded these months as more profitably spent than any others of my life. In 1847 I formed a partnership with R. H. Mayes, a young lawyer of the State about my own age. (During the time I discharged the functions of deputy sheriff, I also practiced law in partnership with my former preceptor, E. F. Buckner, whenever I could do so consistently with the duties of the office. ) In October, 1847, I received an earnest appeal from (iovernor A. G. Brown, of Mississippi, to organize a company in response to a call from the President of the United States, for service in Mexico. ( I had previously made several efforts to enter the military service during the war with Mexico, but all the organizations from De Soto county had failed to be received by the Governor, their distance from the capital making them too late in reporting. ) In a few days I organized a company of volunteers from the regiment of militia in the county, of which I was then colonel. I was elected captain of the company without opposition. H. Car Forrest was elected ist lieutenant, my brother John Adair was elected 2d lieu- tenant, and my brother Thomas Scott, orderly sergeant. The com- pany repaired hurriedly to Yicksburg, the rendezvous. Two other companies had already reached the encampment. After waiting a fortnight or more for the other two companies of the battalion called for by the President to report, the five companies were sent to New Orleans for equipment and organization. Having received arms, clothing, &c., they embarked about the 2d of January, 1848, for Tampico, Mexico.

On the 22cl of February, 1848, I was elected at Tampico lieuten- ant-colonel to command the battalion. I remained at Tampico till the close of the war, when I was mustered out of the service along with the battalion at Vicksburg, Miss., and reached my home at Hernando on the 4th of July, 1848.

I resumed the practice of law in partnership with R. B. Mayes. Our prospects were flattering as the business of the firm was grad-