140 Southern Historical Society Papers.
Colonel James Howard, of Baltimore, and the i8th Georgia Bat- talion, also attached to our command, formed what was known as the "Artillery Brigade," which at that time was under the command of Colonel Crutchfield.
If I have made any omissions I would be glad to have them sup- plied.
The adjutant-general of the brigade was Captain W. N. Worth- ington, of Richmond. Captain Worthington had been a school- mate of mine at Hanover Academy just before the war. Major- General G. W. Custis Lee commanded the division and Lieutenant General Ewell the corps.
We were thoroughly drilled in artillery practice, and manned the heavy guns on the line of the Richmond defences. We were also- well drilled in infantry tactics, and were armed with rifles. I wish that it was possible to give all the names of the command, but space would not permit it, even if I could recall them after all of these years. I would be glad to see published a complete roster of all officers and men of the Artillery Brigade, at the time of the evacua- tion, and of those who were at Sailor's Creek. On the afternoon of Sunday, April 2d, 1865, rumors reached our lines of important movements pending. That night we received marching orders, and were under way by midnight. As our supplies of every description were exceedingly scant we were strictly in " light marching order." Our daily rations for some time past had been one pound of corn- meal and a quarter of a pound of bacon. The bacon was alternated with a pound of fresh beef. Both the bacon and the beef were occa- sionally substituted by a gill of sorghum. So we started on the march with empty haversacks. We moved towards James river, crossing on a pontoon bridge above Drewry's Bluff. The explosions of the magazines at Chaffin's and Drewry's Bluff and at Richmond could be plainly heard.
Early Monday morning we learned that Richmond was burning. We were then moving in the direction of Burkeville Junction. It was a forced march, halting only to rest on our arms. To add to other discomforts, a cold rain set in. Footsore, almost starved, and well-nigh exhausted, we continued the march. There being no com- missary stores from which to draw, no rations had been issued since leaving the lines, and, as before stated, we started with empty haver-