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226 Southern Historical Society Papers.

him our battalion pioneer corps, under Lieutenant Hill, of Company C, was back at Hares's Race Course. He directed me take Dwight Stoney's pretty marsh tacky, with a good switch, ride fast as I crossed the railroad where it converged to the dirt road, and bring up the pioneers. The Federals were sending their shells down the railroad as down a sluice. But the pony carried me safely, and I soon had the pioneers at the front. When I reported with them, Lieutenant Hill was temporarily absent, and General Hagood turned the pio- neers over to me to build the bridge. A veteran soldier can do almost anything, and soon I raised a cloud of dust which drew afresh the shelling of the Federals.

About this time some of Captain Dave Walton's company came in from the front, and said one of Wise's abandoned cannon and limber chest were at the foot of the hill in front, about sixty yards away. The General gave me leave to stop raising the dust, and to take the pioneers and recover the gun. We brought it back into the road, alongside of the left fort, wheeled it round, and got it ready for the next charge of the Federals. The General said when we put it in position, that we had no artillerists to manage it. I told him "some of Rion's old company B, were among the pioneers and were drilled in artillery practice." "All right, go ahead." This was the only gun used that day or the next, so far as I know, on our lines, and it did good service, as Mr. Alley testifies.'

About the time General Hagood came to us and was endeavoring to establish the line down to the river, Captain Ward Hopkin's, Cap- tain Walters' , and perhaps some other companies, were marched to the front and towards the river, across the open field. I was stand- ing on the parapet of the fort watching them. The Federals trained their guns upon them, and I saw these brave soldiers killed. Along with them were Lieutenant Allemong and Sergeant Beckman. I knew them all well. Ward Hopkins was a classmate with me in the South Carolina College, and no more knightly spirit ever served the Confederacy. Beckman and I had gone to the same Sunday-school and church in our boyhood.


During the night of the iyth the ammunition gave out, and it was brought up in an army wagon. I had to distribute it to the regi- ments on our left. I started with a detail, carried out my orders, and was returning to headquarters, when I missed my bridge and brought up in the swamp. As bad luck would have it, the Federals