246 Southern Historical Society Papers.
Company H, "Uwharrie Boys," Randolph county Noah Rush, captain. First lieutenant, L. D. Andrews; second lieutenant, J. N. Kearns; second junior lieutenant, N. H. Hopkins.
Company I, "Cleveland Marksmen," Cleveland county O. P. Gardiner, captain. First lieutenant, G. Blanton; second lieutenant, D. Magness; junior second lieutenant, O. Beam.
Company K, "Carolina Boys," Cumberland county M. McR. McLaughlin, captain. First lieutenant, Angus Shaw; second lieu- tenant, A. M. Smith; junior second lieutenant, D. A. Moore.
The regiment was organized (Company K being absent) by elect- ing William J. Hoke, Lincoln county (Captain of Company K, Bethel Regiment), colonel. Captain Oliver H. Dockery, Richmond county, lieutenant-colonel; Captain George W. Sharpe, Alexander county, major.
The following officers were then appointed: Horace L. Robards, Lincoln county, quartermaster; Benjamin H. Sumner, Lincoln county, commissary; Miles M. Cowles, Yadkin county, adjutant; Peter W. Young, Granville county, surgeon; J. Stuart Devane, Duplin county, assistant surgeon; D. M. Mclntyre, Duplin county, sergeant-major; Marion Roseman, Catawba county, quartermaster sergeant; William
C. Webb, Cleveland county, commissary sergeant; John O. Waters, Cleveland county, color sergeant; J. J. Johnson, Co. H, S. B. Her- ring, Co. C, F. A. Clifton, Co. C, J. H. Irving, Co. G, D. A. Black, Co. K, color guard; Rev. Julian P. Faison, Co. A, chaplain; Lieu- tenant R. W. Copell was elected captain of Co. E, to succeed Cap- tain Dockery; Lieutenant John E. Rheim, Co. G, was elected to succeed Captain Sharpe; George M. Yoder, Co. F, was elected second lieutenant to succeed H. L. Robards; George W. Flowers, Co. G, was elected first lieutenant to succeed Lieutenant Rheim; Oliver H. Patterson, second lieutenant to succeed G. W. Flowers;
D. G. McRae, Co. E, was elected second lieutenant to succeed Lieutenant Copell.
On the loth of February, 1823, the regiment was ordered to pro- ceed to Washington, N. C. , but on reaching Goldsboro the order was changed and the regiment ordered to Halifax, thence to Ham- ilton. On February 12, under orders from General Gatlin, the troops returned to Halifax, and then proceeded to Weldon to defend the bridge at that point, reaching Camp Leavenworth, on the east side of the river near Garysburg, on the I4th. The regiment re- mained here until the i8th, when it was ordered to Camp Floyd, on the west side of the river, near Weldon. While in camp at this