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1,700 regiments of infantry, 270 regiments of cavalry and 900 bat- teries of artillery, an estimated total in excess of 2,600,000 men. inst this force the Confederacy opposed a total of all arms of the service computed at 600,000 men.
Of these, North Carolina organized and furnished the Confed- eracy more than sixty regiments of infantry, six regiments of cavalry, three regiments of artillery, besides half a score of battalions and other commands.
The force so furnished is placed by thoughtful, accurate and pains- taking men at 115,000. It is impossible in the present ill-assorted state of our information to give the exact number of these soldiers.
Amidst the inspiring surroundings of this place, this time and oc- ion, we reverently assume the task of doing some measure of jus- tice to the private soldiers whom North Carolina, under a sense of the appalling conflict at hand, and a deeper sense of duty to her neighbors, herself, and the right, summoned to her standards, for- warded with her blessing, and now, after the fierce pang of battle is over, in spite of humiliation, poverty and anguish, honors and loves from the deep bottom of her great motherly heart.
It is fitting that we should call the roll of these men. That we should inquire why so many of them have not come back from the direction in which their faces were so resolutely set, why they linger on the homeward march. In what ditch they perished. In what tempestuous onset of battle they went down to death.
The sons and grandsons, the daughters and granddaughters, of these citizen soldiers should come together at stated periods now or in the autumn after the vintage is over, and the declining year is has- tening to its close, and rehearse their services, their sacrifices, their valorous actions, their sense of duty, their patient obedience, and their humble faith in God.
Human courage has wrought trophies on every considerable the- atre of its actions.
The four years of war were punctuated by 2, 265 conflicts, counting great and small of every sort, including 625 considerable fights, and 330 battles.
Into these trials of strength, the soldiers of North Carolina clove their way with sword and bayonet, with gun and cannon, and came off with good report.
The people of those Southern States which were completely iden- tified with the Confederacy during the late war, possessed many