334 Southern Historical Society Papers.
[From the Wilmington, N. C., Star, March 12, 1897.]
Historical Sketch Of.
This brief record of the organization, movements and achievements of the 44th Regiment North Carolina Troops, could not have been written except for the assistance of Captains W. P. Oldham, Robert Bingham, Abram Cox and Lieutenants Thomas B. Long and Richard G. Sneed, officers of the regiment, who participated in its career, and especially am I under obligations to Captain John H. Robinson, of the 52nd North Carolina, who was detailed during the latter part of the campaign of 1864, at the request of General Wm. McRae, to serve on his staff as A. A. G. in place of Captain Louis G. Young, who had been severely wounded. The facts stated in a memorial address delivered by the writer in Wilmington, N. C. , on May 10, 1890, on the life and character of General William McRae, in so far as they are connected with the operations of the regiment, and its participation in the various engagements described have been used without reserve, as they are known to be correct; nor has there been any hesitancy in quoting from the language of that address when appropriate to a description of events constituting alike. a part of the history of the regiment as well as of the brigade.
The 44th Regiment North Carolina Troops (Infantry) was organ- ized at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, N. C., on the 28th of March, 1862, with George B. Singletary as its colonel; Richard C. Gotten, captain Co. E, its lieutenant-colonel, and Elisha Cromwe'l, captain Co. B, as its major. Colonel Singletary was killed in a skirmish with Federal troops at Tranter's creek in Eastern North Carolina on the 5th day of June, 1862. He was an officer of extraordinary merit, and would have unquestionably attained high distinction but for his untimely end. On the 28th of June, 1862, Thomas C. Sin- gletary, his brother, was elected colonel in his stead. Lieutenant- Colonel Gotten resigned on account of advanced age on the loth day of June, 1862, and Major Elisha Cromwell was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, to fill the vacancy caused by his resigna- tion. The vacancy caused by the promotion of Major Elisha Crom-