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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/345

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The F,,rt.f-t',.iirtli .V. 0. / tni.tr,,. :J41

of Confederate artillery. Repeatedly during the dav it was charged l>y tin- I-Vderal columns, their advance always being heralded and covered by a heavy artillery fire. Every assault was repulsed with

l<s to the assailants, whose advance was greeted by loud

cheers from the 44th regiment, many of the men leaping on the earthworks and fighting from undercover. The loss during this en- gagement was comparatively slight. The major commanding the regiment, was again wounded, and sent to a hospital in Richmond, and was not able to rejoin his regiment until a few days before the battle at Ream's Station.

The regiment participated in all the engagements in which its brigade took part, from Spotsylvania Court House to Petersburg, constantly skirmishing and fighting as, Grant continued his march on Lee's flank. On the 3d of June, 1864, it was heavily engaged with the enemy near Games' Mill. In this fight, General W. W. Kirk- laml, commanding the brigade, was wounded. Pursuing its march and almost daily skirmishing, the regiment reached Petersburg on on the 24th day of June, 1864, and commenced the desultory and dreary work of duty in the trenches. During the latter part of July, 1864, the regiment left Petersburg for Stoney Creek, and whilst on the march, Colonel William MacRae, of the I5th North Carolina regiment, joined the brigade and assumed command, under orders. This gallant officer was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general in August, 1864, and from that time, never left the brigade, of which the 44th was a part, until the last day at Appomattox. From Stoney Creek, the regiment returned to Petersburg.


The regiment bore its part with conspicuous good conduct in the brilliant engagement at Ream's station, on the 25th of August, 1864.

Upon the investment of Petersburg, the possession of the Weldon road became of manifest importance, as it was Lee's main line of communication with the South, whence he drew his men and sup- plies. On the i8th of August, 1864, General G. K. Warren, with the 5th corps of Grant's army and Kautz's division of cavalry, occupied the line of the Weldon road at a point six miles from Petersburg. An attempt was made to dislodge them from this position on the 2 ist, but the effort failed. Emboldened by Warren's success, Han- cock was ordered from Deep creek bottom to Ream's station, ten miles from Petersburg. He arrived there on the 22nd and promptly commenced the destruction of the railroad track. His infantry force