364 Saul In i'n Historical Society Papers.
The amendment was accepted, and the motion adopted by a rising- vote.
The Tony Miller Combination played several selections, and Mr. Eugene Davis, Sr. , by special request, sang several dialect songs, which were liberally applauded.
Judge F. R. Farrar was called upon by Commander Peay, and re- sponded very happily. He prefaced his remarks with a graceful compliment to Captain Parks, and said he had no desire to mar the perfect autonomy, as he wittily termed it, of the occasion, by any words of his. He was induced to proceed, however, and with his well-known versatility, he flitted from grave to joy, and touched many a tender chord in the hearts of his listeners. Leaving the platform, he took one of the violins belonging to the Miller Combi- nation, and played some old fashioned Virginia reels and other music, which fairly delighted his hearers.
Refreshments were served in the committee rooms adjoining the camp hall, and the rest of the evening was spent in telling war sto- ries, singing, playing, and impromptu speech making.