Abbeville, S. C., Distinguished men of, 56.
Alabama Heroine, An, 45
Alexandria, Retrocession of, 197.
Allen, Major Win., 119.
Ambulance Corps, The Richmond, Members
of, 113.
Anderson, General Joseph K., 211. Appomattox, Surrender at, 20, 263. Archer, Colonel Fletcher H., 12. Ashford, Col. John, 257. Atkinson, Col. John Wilder, 38, 139. Averill.Col.J. H., 267.
Baldwin, Joseph ( , 22. Barlow, Captain J. W., 139. Barker. Capt. F. C., 366. Barnes, Gen. W F., 78. Beauregard, Gen. G. T., 206 Benjamin, Judah P., Sketch of, 297, 378. Bennett, Captain Frank, 171. Bingham, apt. Robert 345. Blacknall, Col. C. C., 168, 173. Blacknall, Dr. Geo. W.. 168. Blacknall, Dr. Oscar, 168. Blacknall. Mai. T. H., 168. Blake, Capt. T. B., 139, 286. Blow, Capt. W. N . 275 Boonsboro, Battle of, 162, 376 Boyd, Miss Belle, 165. Boy Heroes at Cold Harbor, 234. Brandy Station, Battle of, 148, 168. Bristow Station, Battle of, 339. Bullock, C. S. N., Irvine S., 117. Burkittsvillf , Charge at, 148 Burgess' Mill, Battle of, 15,343.
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 173.
Cedar Run, Battle of, 98, 161.
Centreville, Battle of, 100.
Chambersburg, Battle of, 259.
Chancellorsville, Disparity of Confederate and Federal forces at, 109, 169, 348.
Chantilly, Battle of, 99.
Christian, Mai E. J , killed, 159.
Christie. Col. D. H., killed, 166.
Clark, George, 84.
Clayton, Capt. Robert, 139.
Cleery, Major F. D , 5.
Cobb, Gen T. R. R., Legion of, 147.
Coinage Debate in 1852, 200.
Cold Harbor, Battle of. 160, 171, 209,234.
Colston, Gen. R. E., Tribute to, 346; Ode by, 353-
Confederate Tause, The, 21, 357.
Confederate Dead, The, Poem by A C. Gor- don, 382.
Confederate Forces, Total of. 308.
Confederate Navy, The Shenandoah, 116; Alabama, Florida, 126.
Council, Col J. C., 12.
Cowardin, Lieut. John L., 139.
Crater, Charge at the, 285.
Crutchfield's Artillery Brigade ; Operations of
April. 1865, 38, 139, 285. Cumberland Grays, 2ist Va. Infantry, Roster
and Record of, 264. Custer, Gen. Geo. A., 239.
Danville, Explosion at, April, 1865, 271. Davis, Pres't Jefferson, 69 ; at Manassas, 94. Davis, Sam, A Southern Hero, Tribute to by
Ella Wheeler Wilcox. 231. Deloney, Col. W. G., 147. Drewry's Bluff, Battle of, 206. Duke, Col. R. T. W.. 138. Duncan, Col. R. P., 17.
Early, Gen. Jubal A., 109, 153. Early, Capt. W. T., 135. Ennals, Bartholomew, 181. Ewell. Gen. R. S., 40, 105. Ezekiel, H. T., 297.
Farrar, Judge F. R., 364.
Fayette Artillery, in the Movement on New
Berne, N. C., 288. Federal Forces. Total of the, 303. Five Forks, Battle of, 16. Fitzhngh, Maj. P. H., killed, 14. Fleming, Robt. L, 355. Fleming. W. L., 45. Flowers, Col. Geo. W.. 245. Forrest, Gen. N. B.. Ability of, 45, 54. Frayser, Capt R. .,369. Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 98, 209, 211. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 96. Fugitive Slaves' Law, Author of, 190. Fulkerson, Col. Abram, 365.
Gaines, E. W., 288. Games' Mill, Battle of, 97. Garland, Jr , Gen. Sam'l, 157. Garrett.Col.. killed, 171. Gettysburg Failure, Cause of the, 60. Georgia Battalion, Casualties in, April, 1865,
Gibbs, Maj. W. H.. 38.
Gill, Serg't-Maj W F., killed, 161.
Gloucester County (Va.) Confederate dead of,
I, 20.
Goode. Col. I. Thomas, 3, 16. Gordon, A. C., 382. Gordon, Gen. John B , 105. Green, Lieut. J. M., 281. Gregg, Gen. Maxey, 107 Gregory, Maj. W. F. C., 5. Grimbalf, Lieut. John.C. S. N., 116. Grimes, Gen. Bryan, 167. Groveton, Battle of, 99.
Hagood, Gen. J., Brigade of, 13, 223. Hamilton, Col. D H.. 237. Hampton Roads Conference, by Hon. John H. Reagan, 68.