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ment to a good size company. I think not more than fifty men boarded that train when it started. Besides these, there were seven companies of the nth, and nearly the whole of the yth Regiment;
- I!M> a company of unarmed artillery from Georgia, altogether about
450 men.
The train started about 2 o'clock P. M., and with a farewell shout to our remaining comrades we left the city to face again the enemy. Just before leaving, Captain E. Payson Reeve, of my company, came up and entrusted to my care his sword and blankets, requesting me to be very particular so as not to lose them.
The company of about ten men were also turned over to my charge. About 9 P. M. we reached Milford Station, the furthest point to which the train ran, and this was the last train that reached there that season. We marched and halted near the bridge over the Mattapony river, some 300 yards west of the depot. Here we got our supper and made our beds upon the ground. The next morn- ing, Saturday May 2ist, opened with beautiful weather, and on look- ing around we found ourselves organized as a separate command under the charge and subject to the orders of the Major, George F. Norton, of the Old First, as Commander-in-Chief (being the only field officer of the brigade), and our Sergeant- Major, J. R. Pollak, was duly installed as Adjutant-General and Chief-of- Staff. Our com- mand was further reinforced by about twenty-five cavalrymen who happened to be around; these formed on Major Norton's staff. The regiment was in charge of Captain Herbert Davis, of Company B. Our cavalry reported that the enemy's cavalry was close to Bowling Green, and were raiding the country; that we might expect a visit from them at almost any time. This put us on our guard, but led us to believe that it was only a cavalry raid we had to deal with. We were under this impression for sometime after the fight had com- menced. After finishing our morning meal, which did not take much time, Major Norton ordered the 1st Regiment to the station to deploy around the houses and along the railroad track. I had my company together in an old log blacksmith shop a short distance east of the depot. The door faced the depot and a wooden shutter opened on the back from which there was an excellent position to fire on the advancing enemy with comparative safety.
From Milford Station the road to Bowling Green, about three miles distant, runs in a northern direction. Milford Station con- sisted of a depot, engine-house, a few scattered dwelling-houses, out-houses and shops.