<>f tin Confederate Soldier by tkt ('. x. !'
At tin- annual meeting of the Pickett-Buchanan Camp of Confed- cr.ite Veterans of Norfolk, Va., held January 24th last, the following
itions were adopted:
NORFOLK, VA., January 24, 1899.
Commander and Comrades :
Your committee appointed on the igth instant to consider the subject to which the following resolutions relate, respectfully report as follows:
Pickett-Buchanan Camp, No. 3 of the Grand Camp, Confederate Veterans, Department of Virginia, has read with pleasure the speech made by the President of the United States at the Atlanta Peace Jubilee, on the I4th of December, 1898, on which occasion the lYi-Mik-nt, addressing Confederate veterans, used the following language:
" Every soldier's grave made during our unfortunate civil war is a tribute to American valor, and while when these graves were made we differed widely about the future of this government, the differ- ences were long ago settled by the arbitrament of arms, and the time has now come in the evolution of sentiment and feeling, under the Providence of God, when in the spirit of fraternity we should share with you in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers."
This camp cordially accepts the assurances thus given by the Pre- sident in the same spirit which prompted its utterance, and honqrs the sincere purpose which actuated him in expressing this patriotic sentiment. But the incident a" Atlanta has been used by some mis- guided persons to introduce into Federal politics two widely differ- ent questions: (i) The admission of Confederate veterans into National Soldiers' Homes and (2) the gift of pensions to Confederate soldiers.
It is against such mock humanity and false pretences that this camp desires to record its indignant protest. The Confederate sol- dier is unwilling to be placed on the pension rolls of the United states or to become the recipient of any of its bounties.
The time can never come when we would feel honored by any such