Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 26.djvu/355

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that his support is not a menace to the public treasury, but that he has " hoed his own row " and so lived as to command the respect of tin- world, and not by the help of the tax-gatherer, and amid the >m-rrs and contempt of a long suffering and grateful people.

Whilst the cause for which they fought is a " lost cause " in the M-nse that they failed to establish a separate government within cer- tain geographical limits, yet it is only lost in that sense. The prin- riples of that cause yet -live, and the deeds done by its defenders were not done in vain.

No my friends,

" Freedom's battle once begun Bequeathed by bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft is ever won."

And now, my comrades, I must stop to say one word for myself and for you, about the true and noble people of this battle-scarred, but still beautiful old countv of Culpeper, in which it is our privilege to meet, and to greet one another on this interesting occasion. The record of this glorious people, won in the war of the Revolution, was completely eclipsed by that made by them in the Confederate war, and whilst " Cedar Mountain, " Brandy Station," and a hun- dred other fields will ever attest the heroism and devotion of the Confederate soldier, there is not a home or hamlet here that could not tell its story of the heroism, hospitality and devotion of her Confederate men and women.

It is with a sense of peculiar pride and pleasure then that we meet here to-night, not only with some of the survivors of those who stood shoulder to shoulder on those bloody fields, but with those men and women, and the descendants of those, who amidst the glare of their burning homes, and the threats and tortures of a ruth- less and relentless foe, remained unwavering and unconquerable, and who are still true to principle and to right. Yes, my old comrades, we stand upon historic ground to-night. The rocky defiles of these mountains have echoed and re-echoed the thunders of artillery and the rattle of musketry amidst the ringing commands of Lee and Jackson, and the flashing, knightly sabres of Ashby, Stuart and Hampton. Here banner and plume have waved in the mountain breeze, whilst helmet and blade and bayonet were glittering in the morning sun; and here too, ah, shame to tell, history will record many a thrilling tale of outrage inflicted upon this defenceless peo- ple by the mercenary hordes of the North, permitted and encour-