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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 26.djvu/374

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waking, died midst flame and smoke, or, yet, in the grand charge by fours by squadrons or in the line where the earth trembled, as it does when volcanic fires are throbbing at its heart. Stories of officers and men living and dead the Lees sharing the nanle and rivaling the name of Light Horse Harry, Rosser and Murat of the mounted charge, and the glorious Cavalier of the Palmetto State, who we have seen carve his name on the roll of fame, high among the civic heroes of this age; of " Maryland! My Maryland! " and the brave men who knew no boundary line between their own and the " mother of States." One patriotic duty the survivors of the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia aided by the Sons of Veterans, and par- ticularly the grateful women of Virginia, will soon perform, and that is, erect a suitable shaft to the memory of the Prince of Cavaliers, whom Virginia nurtured in the time of her resplendent glories. As we recall his pure and noble life, his unselfish devotion to his country, his heroic defense of her capital city, and his untimely death, we exclaim:

" There is no prouder name even in thy own proud clime, We tell thy doom without a sigh, For thou art freedom's now, and fame's! One of the few the immortal names that were not born to die! "

While the story of Thermopylae fires the heart of patriotism, and the charge at Balaklava brightens the lamp of chivalry, the deeds at Kelly's Ford, Brandy Station, Haw's Shop, Trevillian's and a hun- dred other places shall write them:

The knightliest of the knightly race,

Who, since the days of old, Have kept the lamp of chivalry

Alight in hearts of gold.

While the historians of the North and South have been recording the battles that were fought in the War between the States, and Daniel, and McCabe, and Robinson, and Marshall, and Evans have drawn word-paintings of Gettysburg, the Crater, the Wilderness and Cold Harbor, until every veteran's son knows the part that was played by the infantry and artillery arms of the service, little has been recorded of the deeds performed by those who were both the eyes and ears of our army, who prepared the way for attack, pre- vented those dangerous flank movements, oftentimes fatal, and saved many a retreat from becoming a rout. Posterity will do justice to