104 Southern Historical Society Papers.
The plat certainly deserves a little better care than it now receives through whose neglect we are not able to say. Some of the trees ought to be removed, the undergrowth taken out, and the graves and grounds lined up, so as to be more presentable to the visitor's eye. The expense would be but nominal, and it would add so much to the sad scene that presents itself as one gazes upon the last resting- place of so many young men of the same race and speaking the same tongue of those who held them in captivity until death relieved them of their heavy burden.
The following list will show who are buried here, and undoubtedly will be read by many, who will recall to mind the names and acts of more than one that are interred in this lonely place. The list of names is copied from the headstones placed over each grave.
The writer has omitted the word " infantry " after each name, that being understood by the reader:
J. L. Hood, adjutant, 59th Virginia.
A. C. Pitt, second lieutenant, Company K, aoth Tennessee. M. H. Michael, lieutenant, 5Qth Virginia.
W. C. Raidy, Company G, nth Kentucky cavalry.
J. M. Hill, captain, Company G, Dobbins's Arkansas cavalry.
J. P. Nolan, lieutenant, English's Mississippi battalion.
Robert Gamble, second lieutenant, gth Alabama.
J. Miller, third lieutenant, Williams's Arkansas cavalry.
C. B. Morris, lieutenant, Company I, gth Alabama.
Thomas Ruffin, lieutenant, Company D, 4th North Carolina.
J. Coulter, citizen, Marysville, Tenn.
H. H. Cresswell, lieutenant, Freeman's regiment.
W. P. Norton, lieutenant, Company D, 22d North Carolina.
J. W. McRae, second lieutenant, Company E, 6yth Georgia.
J. W. Jacques, lieutenant, Company F, 24th Tennessee.
E. N. Pucket, lieutenant, Company K, I2th Arkansas.
J. W. Day, captain, Company D, 55th Georgia.
W. S. Hilton, captain, Company F, 22d North Carolina.
H. Wilkinson, lieutenant, Company B, gth Virginia.
W. W. Wynn, captain, Company C, 64th Virginia.
John F. Brigham, lieutenant, Company E, I4th Tennessee.
J. A. Lash, major, 4th Florida.
W. A. Stevens, lieutenant, Company K, 46th Alabama.
T. J. Lowis, captain, Company C, 3d Virginia.
B. B. Starns, lieutenant, Company B, gth Alabama cavalry.