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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 27.djvu/118

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110 Southern Historical Society Papers.


" The sun dawned yesterday on another day of heat and discom- fort, but it effected not the enthusiasm of those who had looked for- ward for months to the occasion, which was to see the erection and dedication of the Hemming Monument. At an early hour the streets' were filled with the throngs of those who had come from other parts of the State to mingle with Jacksonville's citizens in the ceremonies. The line of march made known through the press was lined with crowds who were anxious to see the pageant.

"At St. James Park a stand had been erected, south of the monu- ment, from which the speakers were to be heard, the songs to be sung, and on it were reserved places for the members of Camps of Veterans who had come to the celebration of the day, for the Daugh- ters of the Confederacy, and for distinguished guests, including the chief officers of troops encamped here, and for the members of their staffs. As the head of the long procession came to the stand, the applications for space on it were innumerable, and even with the most careful management of the committee, the greatest difficulty was ex- perienced in allowing within the railing only those for whom places had been reserved. On every side the crowd extended to the limits of the buildings which surround the park. Thousands were in sight, the light colors of women's and children's costumes alternating with the blue of the Volunteers' uniforms. The luxuriant semi-tropical growth of the park shrubbery made a strong background for the sea effaces that was turned to the stand or upward to the monument, its summit shrouded in the canvas of secrecy.


" Among those who were accorded places on the stand were' the speakers of the day, the chorus, which rendered several patriotic songs, the sponsers and their maids of honor, the young ladies rep- resenting the different States, many of the Daughters of the Con- federacy, delegations from the various camps of Confederate Vete- rans, a delegation from O. M. Mitchel Post, G. A. R., and several relatives of Mr. Hemming, the donor of the monument. The distinguished guests of honor were General Lee and his staff, beside General Arnold and General Burt and their staffs, and other and prominent military officers now in command of the soldiers at Camp Cuba Libre; Governor Bloxham and his staff were also present."