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\\'<lliniii /V ' .1 'I'ustnn. 299

braces law and medical departments, a woman's college, a college of .irts and sciences, and one of technology, a worthy monument indeed to the munificent founder and the efficient organi/rr.

Washington and Lee I'liivi-rsity in 1877 conferred upon him the degree of LL.D. /and he has for a number of years been one of the regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

In character he is all that the record of his life bespeaks simple, direct, gentle, yet firm, sincere, conscientious and unswerving in the discharge of every duty, and unwavering in friendship, brave and serene in misfortune and bereavement. He is a communicant of the Episcopal Church and a God-fearing man without cant.

Colonel Johnston's first wife died on October 19, 1885. She was one of the rarest and noblest of women. In April, 1888, Colonel Johnston married Miss Margaret Avery, a lady of culture and refine- ment, a member of one of the best Louisiana families. Colonel Johnston's only son, Albert Sidney Johnston, died in 1885, aged twenty-four. He has had five daughters. Three survive. Hen- rietta Preston, wife of Hon. Henry St. George Tucker, of Staunton, Va., for four sessions a member of Congress from that district; Rosa Duncan, married to George A. Robinson, of Louisville, Ky., and Margaret WicklirTe, married to Richard Sharpe, Jr., of Wilkesbarre, Pa. His eldest daughter, Mary Duncan Johnston, died unmarried November 25, 1893. His youngest daughter, Caroline Hancock Johnston, married Thomas C. Kinney, of Staunton, Va., and died July 26, 1895. Mr. Kinney is, through his mother, a direct descen- dant of Benjamin Harrison, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.


For the past fifteen years Colonel Johnston has been a conspicuous object in the public view of New Orleans, standing as he did at the head of the greatest educational system in the South a system be- cause of the carrying out of his big ideas of what Tulane University should be.

Under the guidance of Professor Jesse, the University of Louisiana was a splendid academy for young men an institution where they could get, so far as the financial status of the institution permitted, a fine classical training and a thorough education in mathematics. Called to the presidency of the embryo college when, through the beneficence- of Paul Tulane, the future glowed with promise, Colonel