358 Southern Historical Society Papers.
wards as Professor in the Law School of Washington and Lee Uni- versity. He followed the example of his father by publishing a volume of Federal Decisions. He was also a member of the Con- federate Congress.*
One of their daughters, Mary, married Hon. Willoughby Newton, and was mother of Bishop John Brockenbrough Newton. Another, Judith White, married the Rev. John P. McGuire, so long and so favorably known as an Episcopal clergyman, so highly esteemed for his faitful ministrations, and so beloved by the people of Essex. She was a noble woman, and wrote that admirable book about the Con- federate war times, "The Diary of a Southern Refugee." It was she who presented to our Supreme Court of Appeals that portrait of her beloved and honored father which they have materially aided in having copied for the people of Essex. How appropriate and becoming it is, then, for her to be remembered on this interesting occasion, when you are paying due honor to your military heroes and civic worthies. She has been laid to rest here in venerable Tap- pahannock. But there are those of the blood of both the Judges Brockenbrough who still survive, and an effectionate appeal is made to them, by the hereditary as well as general interest which they might take in such a behalf, to supplant, at no distant day, our hum- ble offering with the best presentment of their illustrious ancestor which their liberality and painter's art and skill can possibly secure.
- A sketch (with portrait^ of Judge John W. Brockenbrough, by Professor
Charles A. Graves, will be found in 2 Virginia Law Register, 157.