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In tin- meantime, as is well kno\vn, the friends of the Union in Maryland had rallied. Hon. Henry Winter Davis' strong hand was exerted, and Governor Hicks was, almost by force, compelled to take sides with the North. His course resulted in the stay of pro- lings by which the Southern sympathizers had expected to swinjj Maryland into the column of seceding States.

These are, however, well known historical facts. The correspond- ence to which Governor Hicks makes reference would be interesting, if it could be found. The archives at Annapolis, Richmond, Tren- ton, Albany and Columbus should contain the letters in which are fully outlined plans for this new Confederacy. The language of the report of Mr. Wright gives rise to the belief that other States than those named were involved in the project, and, hence, an extension of the field of inquiry. It is very evident, however, that in the darkest and gloomiest days of the Union, when the cotton-growing States of the South had formed a powerful combination, there arose another sceptre, powerful in resources of men, arms, munitions and wealth, which, if directed against the Union, simultaneously with the blow from the South, would have crushed it, and, instead of one Union, " inseparable forever," the map of the United States would to-day show at least three, if not more, combinations of States.

Mr. Wright, in his report to Mr. Crawford, President of the Georgia convenUon, says:

"On the 25th of February (1861), I visited for the third time An- napolis, the seat of government (having failed, while there on a for- mer visit on the 2ist, to meet the Executive), and waited upon Governor Hicks, and after a personal interview and pretty free in- terchange of opinion with His Excellency, I handed to him the or- dinance of secession with which I was entrusted, and also a written communication, in which I endeavored to justify and explain the action of the State of Georgia, and attempted to show that the ma- terial interests of Maryland would be greatly promoted and advanced by her co-operatiou with the seceding States. To this communica- tion I have received no reply, although, upon a suggestion of Gov- ernor Hicks that he would favor me with a reply at his earliest convenience, I have waited for two days to receive such communi- cation as he should be pleased to make to your body.

" In the absence of any written reply to my note of the 25th ul- timo, I can only give your honorable body the result of the personal