on the Gila river, or the right or claim of the Confederate States to the remainder of the Territory of New Mexico, or to any other Ter- ritory north of the line of 34 degrees of north latitude."
The second section provides for the executive power and authority to be vested in a governor, and prescribes his term of office to be six years, and his official duties.
The various other sections of the act provide for other officers and their duties, and for representatives in the Legislature, and delegates to the Confederate Congress, and for the general regulations for the government of the Territory. The act is too lengthy to copy here, and it is not necessary to do so.
I have an official copy of the act taken from Confederate records in the city of Washington in the Department of the Interior.
The last section (17) recites: " That the provisions of this act be and are hereby suspended until the President of the Confederate States shall issue his proclamation, declaring this act to be in full force and operative and shall proceed to appoint the officers herein provided to be appointed in and for said Territory."
The act was approved by the President, Jefferson Davis, on Jan- uary 18, 1862. Accordingly, President Jefferson Davis, published his official proclamation, in pursuance of the said act, as follows:
Organization of the Territory of Arizona. Proclamation of the President of the Confederate States of America Whereas, an act of the Congress of the Confederate States of America, entitled, "An act to organize the Territory of Arizona," was approved by me on the i8th day of January, A. D. 1862;
And, Whereas, It is therein declared that the provisions of the act are suspended until the President of the Confederate States shall issue his proclamation declaring the act to be in full force and operation, and chall proceed to appoint the officers therein provided to be appointed in and for said Territory:
Now, therefore, I, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, do issue this, my proclamation, declaring said "Act to organize the Territory of Arizona " to be in full force and operation, and that I have proceeded to appoint the officers therein provided to be appointed in and for said Territory.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Confederate States of America, at Richmond, this i4th day of February, A. D. 1862.
By the President: (Seal.) JEFFERSON DAVIS.
R. M. T. HUNTER, Secretary of War.