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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/262

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J56 Suiifht-rn Ilisiorn-al Society Pupers.

in their country), assisted by Mexican thieves that were continually raiding that section between Laredo and Fort Clark, a distance of about 200 miles, which was under my command. I was also in- formed that at that time there were a large number of cattle and horses, over 5,000 head, but a few miles above Piedras Negras, in charge of a band of thieves, too strong for them to attack. I prom- ised the parties that I would call the attention of the Mexican officer in command of the Liberal forces on the Mexican frontier to the facts in the case, and that in the event he did not take immediate action I would cross the river with my troops and bring back the stolen stock and deliver it to the owners. I at once called on Col- onel Garza, the commanding officer, and demanded that such stolen stock as could be proved by the owners, then at my headquarters, should be delivered to us. He replied that he had no authority to act as I had indicated, but said if I would make a written statement of the facts, and suggest some remedy, not in violation of interna- tional law, he would forward my statement to President Juarez, who was then at Monterey. I told him that the proper thing to be done was to make a treaty providing for the rendition of criminals and of stolen property, upon proper proofs as to their ownership. He said he would be pleased to have that done, as the same condition of af- fairs complained of by me existed on our side of the river. I pre- pared a rough draft of a treaty in accordance with our views, and Colonel Garza forwarded it, with his approval, to President Juarez, asking for investigation.

" While waiting for the return of the papers and instructions from the President I received an order from General Magruder to arrest one Louis Pless and send him, under guard, to his headquarters at Houston. Accompanying the order was a letter from General Ma- gruder's adjutant, stating that Pless had stolen several hundred bales of Confederate cotton, and that he was in Piedras Negras, and it would be a feather in my cap if I were able to arrest him. even, if I had to get him out of Mexico, and that I was authorized to expend a reasonable amount of gold to accomplish the arrest, for which I would be reimbursed.

" I also, at the same time, received a letter from Governor Lub- bock, of Texas, urging me to make the arrest of Pless, and making similar suggestions. I had at that time aii intelligent Mexican scout and guide. I ordered him to go on to Piedras Negras and ascertain if Pless was there. He soon reported to me that he was, but would leave for Monterey the following night in an ambulance with one