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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 29.djvu/149

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Maryland Confederates. 133

The three military orders which follow below are of great historical value. The copies are exact, the careless punctuation indicating the haste of the writers. The originals are in the possession of Judge George W. Wilson, of Upper Marlboro, Md., who was a gallant soldier in the First Maryland battery, C. S. A. (raised and first commanded by Colonel R. Snowden Andrews, of Baltimore), who received them from Rev. James Battle Averitt (when stationed at Upper Marlboro after the war), who was chaplain of Colonel Turner Ashby's cavalry and the custodian of the treasured docu- ments.

Following are copies of the orders referre'd to above:

HD QRS HARPER'S FERRY, June 8th, 1861.

Captain, I have ordered the Berlin bridge to be burned to-night, & Capt. Drake to remain in observation until you pass. Burn your bridge as well as you can, & blow up after the fire is well kindled, let the infantry & artillery come up & as soon as Col. Hunton can have sufficient notice, which please send him, Come up with your cavalry bringing in any party which may be at Berlin bridge.

Your obt servt

J. E. JOHNSTON, Brig. Gen/., C. S. A. Capt. Ashby,

Comdg at Point of Rocks.

( Confidential. )

NEAR UNGER'S STORE, Jany 2d 1862.

Col., I am on my way to Bath and hope to be at Hancock to mor- row, so you need not be concerned should you hear firing in that direction

Your Obd't Servt


Maj. Gen!. Lt. Col. Turner Ashby,

Comdg Cavalry.

HD'QRS. VALLEY DIST., April i6th, 1862.

Dear Colonel, Carry out your suggestions of burning the bridge at Ripley's if it does not interfere with your falling back. Send back your train and establish your camp at the woods this side of Mt Jackson.