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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 29.djvu/231

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Their Lasi Boitli.

John Reed, myself and General Little's orderly. There may have been some others whom I have forgotten.

"It was just midnight as the last spadefull of earth was placed upon the grave and patted into shape. Our candles still flickered in the darkness, sending out weird shadows. A plain piece of pine board was set at the head marked: ' General Henry Little.'

" before daybreak we were on the march, retreating to Tupelo, Miss., where we were re-enforced. That was the only midnight funeral I ever attended, and it is the most vivid recollection of my life. The body of General Little was later exhumed and sent to Baltimore, where he had relatives. He was in the old United States army before the war, belonging to the Seventh infantry. Colonel Selus Price, who was on General Price's staff, and John Kelly, the engineer, who were at the funeral, are now in St. Louis. I am here. I believe we three are the only survivors.'.'

[From the Atlanta, Ga., Journal, July, 1901.]


Fight at Bentonville, N. C., Between Sherman and



The Soldiers Among the Pine Trees and How they Reserved Their Fire Until the Federals Were Within Easy Range- Desperate Struggle.

I am gratified to see so many articles on the ' ' Close Call ' ' order since my first appeared. It may have inspired many old " vets " to relate their experiences, more or less thrilling in their nature, and some of which are truly historic and very entertaining.

General C. A. Evans, in commending me for starting the ball in motion, and speaking of these articles as "the rising cream of Con- federate history," pleased me very much.

We all must know that now is the time a few years more it will be too late to prepare and furnish such history, and the encourage-