Roster of G<><K-lil<nnl. to/////// Troop. 228
[From the Richmond, Va.,.J>i*/>t<-h, December 29, 1901.]
The following roster of the Goochland Troop, after much "agony and bloody sweat," has been at last made up, and it is thought to be correct as possible by those who are likely to know. It was pre- pared in collaboration. This list of gallant comrades would never have crystalized but for the energy of Comrade Charles H. Powell. After the elapse of more than a quarter of a century, it looks out from behind the veil of intercepting years that are fraught with an- guish, patience and pathos.
Among the members of this company was the heroic "Jim" Pleasants, the man without a model, of high-erected thought and patriotic purpose, who had rather agonize in Hades rightly than enjoy bliss beyond the cerulean improperly. Napoleon I said that Tom Paine, by virtue of his patriotic deeds in behalf of the American patriots during the revolution, was entitled to a monument of brass. So say we of the gallant James Pleasants, who was complimented by Fitzhugh Lee in General Orders, No. i, to the Army of North- ern Virginia, Lee's division, April 4, 1864.
Resolutions to the honor and memory of James Pleasants may also be found among the records of the Southern Historical Society, at Richmond, Va.
Julian Harrison, captain; dead.
G. F. Harrison, first lieutenant.
A. M. Hobson, second lieutenant; dead.
John D. Hobson, third lieutenant.
W. R. Fleming, first sergeant; dead.
John A. Picket, second sergeant; dead.
C. B. Trevillian, third sergeant.
W. W. Wright, fourth sergeant; dead.
James M. Trice, first corporal.
J. G. Ragland, second corporal.
J. C. James, third corporal.
T. M. Fleming, fourth corporal.