282 Southern Historical Society Papers.
ask leave to speak of him through the columns of your most excel- lent paper.
The Fifth Alabama Regiment was organized in the spring of 1861, with Robert E. Rodes, late Captain of the Warrior Guards, of Tus- caloosa, as its Colonel, and Edwin L. Hobson one of its subordi- nate officers. Very soon it was sent to Centreville, near Manassas, where it was organized into a brigade with the Sixth, Twelfth and Twenty-sixth Alabama regiments, and the Twelfth Mississippi, under the command of Robert E. Rodes, who had just been made a briga- dier-general.
The brigade, thus constituted, did effective service in the vicinity of Manassas, was conspicuous for gallantry at Williamsburg, and greatly distinguished at Seven Pines. Soon afterwards, about the time General Lee assumed command of the Army of Northern Vir- ginia, the Twelfth Mississippi was transferred from Rodes' brigade, and its place taken by the Third Alabama, a splended regiment that had formerly belonged to Mahone's brigade. During the Seven Days' battle around Richmond, the brigade was organized as follows, the commanders ranking in the order named: Twenty-sixth Ala- bama, Colonel E. A. O'Neal; Sixth Alabama, Colonel John B. Gor- don; Fifth Alabama, Colonel]. M. Hall; Twelfth Alabama, Colonel B. B. Gale; Third Alabama, Colonel C. A. Battle. General Rodes and Colonel O'Neal having been wounded at Seven Pines, the com- mand of the brigade in the Seven Days' battles devolved on Colonel Gordon, and then and there he laid the foundation of his world-wide fame. In his report of these battles Colonel Gordon, while paying merited compliment to Rodes' entire brigade, especially made hon- orable mention of Major Hobson, of the Fifth Alabama.
At Boonesboro and Sharpsburg General Rodes was upon the field, and in his report of these engagements says: " While all the troops did well, I especially commend Colonel Gordon, Sixth Alabama, Major Hobson, Fifth Alabama, and Colonel Battle, Third Alabama, for highly meritorious conduct throughout the campaign." Very soon after the battle of Sharpsburg Gordon was promoted to briga- dier-general, and assigned to a Georgia brigade.
A little later Major-General D. H. Hill, who had commanded the division, was made lieutenant-general, and sent West, and Brigadier- General Rodes was assigned to the command of Hill's division, while E. A. O'Neal, as senior colonel, commanded Rodes' brigade. With the brigade thus organized, the battle of Chancellorsville was fought, and it was here that Hobson was shot down while gallantly leading