llttl<> of /V/M/O//. 357
168. Jno. Kirk, company H, I4th Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
193. H. W. Crone, Page's Battallion, Virginia artillery, C. S. A.
194. W. H. Cole, company E, yth Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
212. G. W. Loop, company D, nth Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
213. Captain J. F. Jordan, company B, i3th Virginia cavalry, C. S. A.
214. Jno. Goodener, company A, 24th Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
215. W. G. King, company K, 28th Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
216. Robert Bibb, company E, 4th Virginia infantry, C. S. A. 241. H. E. Lawhorne, Page's battallion, Virginia artillery,
C. S. A.
259. Alexander Corder, company I, 49th Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
260. H. T. Elam, company A, nth Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
261. G. W. Rice, company C, nth Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
262. H. R. Fones, company C, 47th Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
263. G. Joyce, company B, 6th Virginia infantry, C. S. A.
264. Sergeant B. F. Kirby, company C, 6ist Virginia infantry, C S. A.
[From the Atlanta Journal, July, 1901. ]
How the Federal Advance in the West was Crushed.
What Beauregard and Grant Said About It The Losses Were Very
Heavy Figures Showing the Forces Engaged Longstreet
Not in Fight.
The author of the shorf sketch of the battle of Shiloh, which ap- peared in the Journal on last Saturday, was mistaken in some of his statements concerning that memorable conflict.
In the first place the Confederates did not capture the division of General Prentiss, "without the firing of a gun." Although the division was surprised, it made a gallant fight and did not surrender until late in the afternoon about half-past 5 o'clock, says General Prentiss. General Beauregard, who took command of the Confed-