48 Southern Historical Society Papers.
tongue as a sweet morsel, and, on the I4th of May, wrote gleefully to the Rev. R. J. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, that "Jefferson Davis was caught three days ago in Georgia trying to escape in his wife's clothes." (121 War of Rebellion, p. 555.) On the 23d of May, Mr. C. A. Dana, Assistant Secretary of War, ordered General Miles to direct Colonel Pritchard to bring with him " the woman's dress in which Jefferson Davis was captured." (Id., p. 569.)
After his capture, Mr. Davis was sent to Savannah. Thence he was carried to Fortress Monroe in the steamer "Clyde," under a heavy guard, commanded by Colonel Pritchard. The steamer was convoyed by the United States steam sloop of war "Tuscarora."
The Secretary of War, on the I4th, thanked General Wilson for his vigilance in preventing the escape of the prisoner, and also thanked "the gallant officers and men by whom the capture was made." He also asked for their names, in order that they might receive "appropriate medals." These gallant captors consisted of two regiments of picked men, while the party captured was com- posed of two old and feeble civilians, several unattached officers, two ladies and four children. (104 War of Rebellion, p, 761.) On the i4th of May, the Secretary of War cautioned Colonel Pritchard to be especially cautious to prevent the escape of his prisoner, "and for that ourpose he should be treated as any other criminal." (Id., 761.) So far as is known- Colonel Pritchard discharged his duty in this respect as a soldier and gentleman, and subjected his unfortunate prisoner to no insult or undue restraint.
While the captured party was being moved northward, the non- combatant officials, Stanton, Dana, Holt, Halleck, President Johnson and others, were much excited and very industrious. Mr. Sec- retary Stanton ordered the casemates at Fortress Monroe to be pre- pared under the special direction of Major-General H. W. Halleck, who commanded the department of the James at Richmond. Hal- leck assumed his duties with some enthusiasm, and at once made several suggestions, which he obviously thought would be taken as marks of his efficiency at Washington. Thus, on the I3th of May, he wrote to the Secretary of War : "If Jefferson Davis was captured in his wife's clothes, I respectfully suggest that he be sent North in the same habiliments" (104 War of Rebellion, p. 741); and on the 1 5th he wrote that it would be well to send a special commander for Fortress Monroe, adding, ' ' the present one is a faithful officer, but not sharp enough to take charge of Jeff. Davis and his crew." (Id., P- 772-73-)