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The First Manassus. 275

McDowell this morning forcing the passage of Bull Run. In two hours he will turn the Manassas Junction and storm it to-day with superior force."

General Scott to the commanding officer at Baltimore, July 21: "Put your troops on the alert. Bad news from McDowell's army; not credited by me."

Captain Alexander to Washington:

" General McDowell's army in full retreat. The day is lost. Save Washington and the remnants of this army. The routed troops will not reform."

General Scott to McDowell:

"Under the circumstances it seems best to return to the line of the Potomac."

President Davis to General Cooper, Manassas, July 21:

"Night has closed upon a hard fought field. Our forces have won a glorious victory."

Colonel Kerigan, at Alexandria, to Cameron, July 22:

"There are about 7,000 men here without officers; nothing but confusion."

General Mansfield, to Captain Mott at the Chain Bridge, July 22:

" Order the Sixth Maine to keep their demoralized troops out of their camps."

General Mansfield to General Runyan, July 22:

"Why do the regiments I sent to you yesterday return so pre- cipitously to Alexandria without firing a shot?"

W. T. Sherman to the Adjutant-General, July 22.

" I have at this moment ridden in with, I hope, the rear men of my brigade, which in common with our whole army has sustained a. terrible defeat and has degenerated into an armed mob."

General Scott to General McClellan, July 22, i A. M: "After fairly beating the enemy and taking three of his batteries, a panic seized McDowell's army and it is in full retreat on the Poto- mac. A most unaccountable transformation into a mob of a fine appointed and admirable led army."

These few extracts are enough to show the utter rout of the Fed- eral army. Twenty-eight pieces of artillery, about 5,000 muskets and nearly 500,000 cartridges, a garrison flag, and ten colors were