128 Southern Historical Society Papers.
I did not know that Mrs. Morgan was a relative of the Williams family, but I do know that Mrs. Gillem's brother, Captain Mack Jones, C. S. A., married Miss Kate Sneed, a granddaughter of Mrs. Williams. Captain Jones was killed in the battle of Atlanta.
In conclusion, I would say that General Morgan's remains were not treated as stated by Mr. Hora. Campbell's act in carrying them to General Gillem was the only desecration they received, and that act was strongly denounced by all the officers of the command. I never heard of that heroic conduct of the negro, Tom Clem, in calmly standing within twenty feet of General Morgan with the bullets fly- ing around like hail. I remember one of Mrs. Williams' negroes, named Tom, but I would wager that the aforesaid Tom was, with the other darkies, either under the house or in the "potato hole," on that eventful morning. The negro who gave Colonel Ingerton the information was lost sight of in the tumult, and never again ap- peared at headquarters.
Jimmy Leddy was the son of a widow living at Blue Springs, was taken by General Gillem to Nashville, and there placed at school, but he soon tired of that and returned to his home.
Captain Rogers, of Morgan's staff, was my guest for over a week after his capture, and he afterwards spoke in the highest terms of the manner in which they were treated by General Gillem, and also of the treatment of Morgan's remains, with the exception, of course, of Campbell's conduct.
Colonel, U. S. A. (retired), Colonel Tenth Tennessee Volun- teers, Chief of Staff to General Gillem when General John H. Morgan was killed.