History of Crenshaw Battery. 281
of his admiration of the indomitable courage it has displayed in battle, and its cheerful endurance of privation and hardship on the march.
Since your great victories around Richmond you have defeated the enemy at Cedar Mountain, expelled him from the Rappahannock, and, after a conflict of three days, utterly repulsed him on the plains of Manassas, and forced him to take shelter within the fortifications around his capital.
Without halting for repose, you crossed the Potomac, stormed the heights of Harper's Ferry, made prisoners of more than eleven thousand men, and captured upwards of seventy pieces of arillery, all their small arms and munitions of war.
While one corps of the army was thus engaged the other insured its success by arresting at Boonesboro the combined armies of the enemy advancing under their favorite general to the relief of their beleagured comrades.
On the field of Sharpsburg, with less than one-third his numbers, you resisted from daylight until dark the whole army of the enemy, and repulsed every attack along his entire front of more than four miles in extent.
The whole of the following day you stood prepared to resume the conflict on the same ground, and retired next morning without mo- lestation across the Potomac.
Two attempts subsequently made by the enemy to follow you across the river have resulted in his complete discomfiture, and being driven back with loss.
Achievements such as these demanded much valor and patriotism. History records few examples of greater fortitude and endurance than this army has exhibited, and I am commissioned by the Presi- dent to thank you in the name of the Confederate States for the un- dying fame you have won for their arms.
Much as you have done, much more remains to be accomplished. The enemy again threatens us with invasion, and to your tried valor and patriotism the country looks with confidence for deliverance and safety. Your past exploits give assurance that this confidence is not misplaced.
R. E. LEE, Gen'l Comd'g.
After the battle of Sharpsburg our camp was several times changed in the Valley of Virginia, and finally landed down below Berryville,