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298 Southern Historical Society Papers.

[From the New Orleans, La., Picayune, Dec. 27, 1903, and Jan. 24, 1904.]


After the surrender of the Southern forces at Fort Donelson, in February, 1862, the Confederates abandoned Kentucky and mobil- ized at Corinth, Miss. The troops under General Bragg were also drawn from Pensacola, and such, also, as were at New Orleans.

This combined force, at the suggestion of General Beauregard, was reorganized into three army corps. The First, commanded by Major-General Polk, 10,000 strong, was made up of two divisions, under Major B. F. Cheatham and Brigadier- General Clarke, respec- tively, of two brigades each.

The Second, under Major-General Bragg, was arranged in two divisions also, commanded by Brigadier-General Withers and Rug- gles, with three brigades each, and numbered about fifteen thousand men.

The Third Corps, commanded by Major-General Hardee, was formed of three brigades not in division, and three brigades under Brigadier-General Breckiriridge, and numbered about thirteen thous- and men.

There was also a cavalry force, about four thousand strong, which had not been armed. The entire Confederate army was under the command of General Albert Sidney Johnston, with General Beaure- gard second in command. General Beauregard was specially charged with the duty of getting the organization perfected and in preparing the troops for an early campaign.

While the Confederates were thus occupied, the Federals were actively engaged also in preparations for the impending campaign.

General Grant, with the three divisions which had been engaged at Fort Donelson, was now at Pittsburg Landing, on the Tennessee river. Soon after his arrival he was followed by three other divis- ions, commanded by Sherman, Hurlbut, and Prentiss.

The Federal force at this time consisted of six large divisions, suitably armed and equipped, and eight regiments of cavalry; be- sides, a splendid corps of artillery, made up of the best batteries in use.