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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 32.djvu/386

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Federal and Confederate Armies, Disparity

Between, 10; relative numbers of, 116;

87, 90, 98, 225, 250, 251, 256, 303, 312. Fielding, Midshipman F. H., 159. Finney, Colonel W. W., 134. Five Forks, Battle of, 11, 356. Flag, Confederate States, with white field,

first appearance of, 240. Fleet, Captain C. R., 240. Fleetwood, Battle of, 7. Fleet in the Mississippi, Attempted Sale of

to the Confederacy, 58. Four-Deep Order, 175. Fox, Captain, killed, 8. Fox Chase, An Army, 267. Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 333. Fredericksburg, Artillery, The, 240; Battle

of, 240; December 10, 1862, 269. Frederick City, Md., Victory at, 255.

Gaines' Mill, From, to Westover, 3.

Gettysburg Campaign, 8, 31, 113, 183.

Gibson, Colonel J. Catlett, 200.

Girardey, General J. V., 322.

Gladden, General A. H., 132.

Gladstone on Cruelty of the Bourbons at

Naples, 344.

Glenney, D. W., Desertion of, 58. Gordon's Reminiscences, General J. B., 69,

178, 200, 212, 227. Gregg, Fort, Fall of, 337. Griffin, Major Samuel, 1. Griffith-Barksdale-Humphrey Brigade, 250;

gallantry of, 261.

Haas, I. C., 98.

Halleck, General H. W., 123.

Hammond, Captain, killed, 8.

Hampton, General Wade, 42; portrait of presented to Lee Camp, C. V., 134; de- scent, ability, nobility of character, and patriotisms, 137; tribute of General Lee to, 140, 164.

Hanover Junction, Engagement at, 136.

Harper, Colonel Kenton, 174.

Harper's Ferry, Capture of, 257.

Harris, Adjutant H. V., 191.

Harris, Governor Isham G., 133.

Harris, Dr. John W., 157.

Harris, General N. H., 336.

Harrison, General W. H., 213.

Helm, General B. H., killed, 306.

Henry, Surrender of Fort, 126.

Hill, Benjamin H., 107.

Historic Waters of Virginia, Defences of, 347.

Hoffman, Captain John S., 204.

Holze, Henry, 115.

Hood, General' J. B., His career, 151.

Hood, Ida Richardson, 156.

Housatonic, The, 111.

Howell, Miss, 148.

Hull's Surrender, General, 23.

Hunley, The, Captain Dixon, 111.

Hunton, General Eppa, his service at Bull Run, 143.

Huse, Captain Caleb, 112.

Ingraham, D. N., 111.

Jackson, General T. J., death of, 94; strat- egy of, 299; his last order, 95.

Jayne, General Joseph M, 334.

Jessie Scout, Capture of, 69.

Johnson, General Bradley T., gallantry of, 81.

Johnston, General Albert Sidney, 112, 127, 132.

Johnston, General J. E., his proposition to invade the North, 112.

Jones, D. D., Rev. J. W., 41, 47. Jordan, Captain F. M., 117.

Kershaw, General J. B., 239. King, Captain T. H., killed, 304.

Lafayette, Prisoner at Olmutz, 344.

Lamb, Hon. John, 1, 195.

Lee Camp, Confederate Veterans; its gal- lery of portraits, 2, 134.

Lee, Cazenove G., 46.

Lee, General R. E., "to the rear," 202, 212. imperishable glory of, 294, 336; his esti- mate of Jackson, 97.

Lee, General Stephen D., 178, 310.

Letcher, Governor John, 43.

Lilley, General R. D., 91.

Lincoln, 99; election of, 279; vote for, 280; his call for troops in 1861, 285, 371.

Loehr, Charles T., 33.

Louisiana, Purchase of, 18; its cession to France not proposed, 364.

Lomax, General L. L., 235.

McCabe, Captain W. Gordon, 42.

McClellan, General George B., 3, 250.

McClellan, Major H. B., 3.

McGuire, Dr. Hunter, 96.

McNeily, Captain J. S., 223.

McRae, Hon. Colin J., 114.

Manassas, First Battle of, 145, 175.

Manassas, Second Battle of, 4. 77, 153.

Mann, A. Dudley, 108.

Martin, Colonel Rawley, 183.

Marye's Hill, Battle of, 272.

Marye, Captain E. S., 240.

Maryland, Lee's Invasion of, 5, 255.

Mason, Hon. John M., 108.

Masonic Sign of Distress in War, 84.

Maury, Commodore M. F., 114.

May, Lieutenant-Commander R. L., 65.

Mayo, Colonel Joseph, 34.

Memminger, C. G., 107.

Miles, General N. A., as jailer, 338, 391.

Miltenberger, Colonel Ernest, 367.

Minnigerode, D. D., Rev. Charles, 147.

Missouri, Compromise, The, 26.

Moncure, Major T. C., 367.

Morris, Lieutenant, killed, 240.

Munford, General T. T., portrait of, 1; his

services and tenderness of character, 12. Murray, Miss Amelia, Tour of, 103.

Napoleon, Emperor Louis, 110. Nashville, Abandonment of, 126. New Orleans, Battle of, 23.

sion in 1812, 15, 24.

New England, Treason of in 1809, 21; seces- North Carolina, Events in 1861, 271; in 1776,

288, 289. North, The Political Bargain of, 14; spirit

of, 22; its hatred of the South, 29. Nullification, Ordinance of, 30.

O'Ferrall, Hon. C. T., 134. Ord, General E. 0. C., 359.

Parker, Captain William H., 157.

Paris, Count of, 123.

Patterson, Colonel Joseph, 132.

"Pawnee Sunday," 147.

Paxton, A. S., 93.

Peabody, Colonel Everett, 132.

Peabody, George, 114.

Pegram's Battalion, 240.

Petersburg to Appomattox, Retreat from,

bridges burned, 67. Pettus, Governor John J., 58.