76 Southern Historical Society Papers.
men 247; officers 13, men 247; officers 13, men 220; commanding, Major L. S. Studley.
Nineteenth Wisconsin Officers n, men 369; officers 15, men 388; officers 13, men 310.
Eighty-first New York Officers 10, men 81; officers n, men 83; officers 6, men 71; commanding, Major D. B. White.
Ninety-eighth New York Officers 15, men 236; officers 17, men 268; officers 13, men 210; commanding, Lieutenant-Colonel W. Kreutzer.
One Hundred and Thirty-ninth New York Officers 12, men 294; officers 16, men 309; officers 12, men 278; commanding, Major Theodore Miller.
Convalescent detachment from the 2d and 3d divisions which had gone over to the extreme left to reinforce Sheridan.
Officers 12, men 532; officers 14, men 546; officers 12, men 471.
Total Officers 91, men 2,119; officers 119, men 2,250; officers 90, men 1,950.
Officers sick 3; men sick 81.
(Signed) STANIELS,
Captain and Adjutant- General.
I remain, sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
EDWARD H. RIPLEY, Formerly Colonel of the 9th regiment, Vermont Volunteers,
and Brevet-Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers.