316 Southern Historical Society Papers.
Staten, .
Stevens, N. C. ("Dick,") Ellaville, Ga. Now doctor at Ama, Louisiana.
Stevenson, V. K., Nashville, Tenn. New York.
Stotesbury, .
Tenant, Marietta, Ga.
Thomas, Isaac, Forsyth, Ga.
Traylor, R. B., Harris county, Ga. Chipley, Ga.
Ulmer, .
Vance, .
- Villard, W. D., South Carolina. Died in Atlanta, Ga., 1897.
Walton, Taylor, Lumpkin, Ga., Texas. Waters, J. C., Marietta, Ga.
Wesson, M., Albany, Ga.
Wesson, T., Albany, Ga.
Wilcox, .
Williams, O. S., Hamilton, Harris county, Ga.
Williams, T.
- Wright, B. F., Covington, Ga.
Wright, C.
- Young, Thomas, Valdosta, Ga.
Cadet Corporal Anderson, of Greenville, S. C., was wounded in knee during siege of Atlanta, and died August n, 1864, two days later, in hospital.
Cadet F. E. Courvoisier, of Savannah, Ga., was wounded in hip in August, 1864, siege of Atlanta. He recovered. Died in Port Royal, S. C., 1896.
Cadet A. H. Alexander, of Forsyth, Ga., was killed instantly by a solid ball from a six-pounder cannon, passing entirely through his body, in siege of Atlanta, August 12, 1864.
Cadet A. T. Luckie painfully wounded in eye in 1864.
Cadet Samuel W. Goode painfully wounded in the arm, near shoulder, at Atlanta, in July or August, 1864.
Cadet Griffin slightly wounded on nose in 1864.
Cadet W. E. Myrick wounded in head at Oconee bridge, on Central railroad, in November, 1864. Died in Mississippi, 1867. Cadet Sergeant J. Scott Todd was wounded in arm, which was