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322 Southern Historical Society Papers.

fantry not in action, but 26 guns were, as a diversion in front of Hill's Corps.

Hancock's Second Corps, next to Fifth and to the right of it, composed of:

Four Divisions 27,007 April 3Oth, and 28,327 June ist. Bar- low's and Gibbons' Division in the assault, with 16 guns in action, (ist New Hampshire, ist Rhode Island, 4th U. S., and ist New York.)

Wright's Sixth Corps, next to Second and to its right, com- posed of:

Three Divisions 23,165 April 3oth, and 20,390 June ist. Getty's and Russell's Divisions in the assault, assisted by Hancock's guns.

Burnside's Ninth Corps, next to Sixth and on the extreme right, composed of four divisions 19,840 April 3oth, and 18,147 June ist. Potter's and Crittenden's Divisions in the assault, with 16 guns in action. (2nd Maine, I4th Massachusetts, 7th Maine, and 24th New York.)

The above numbers are from the official returns of these dates and Gibbons' report (10,734) is for his division on May i6th. No numbers in the field returns are given of the Confederate army about this" period, and of the Federal army, with the exception of Gibbons' Division of May i6th, are for April 3Oth and June ist 1864.

Taking" Gibbon's Division at 10,000} r

Barlow's Division at 3,500 } out of 2 7-

Getty's Division at 3,ooo] f

Russell's (Wheaton's) Division at 3,000 | of 2O ^

Potter's Division at 3,000 ) f

Crittenden's (Ledley's) Division at 2,500} I8 ' oc

Total, 25,000

We may safely assume that 25,000 infantry were in the charge of the assaulting columns of the Federal army, supported by the fire of 32 guns, and that 29 rapidly served guns, together with a light desultory infantry fire on the Confederate side, were ready to meet it.

With these forces engaged, the action commenced early on the morning of the i8th, with the retirement of the Confederate pickets and skirmishers, and the advance of the Federal infantry in the several formations referred to in the reports. That this was a