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Cot. R. T. Bennett's Address. 67

broad Savannas of the South, but no braver. Twelve companies of infantry were enrolled in Catawba county, and served during the war between the government and the Confederate States: (i) Company A, i2th North Carolina Regiment; (2) B, 23d North Carolina; (3) C, 28th North Carolina; (4) E, 32d North Carolina; (5) F, 32d North Carolina; (6) K, 35th North Carolina; (7) F, 38th North Carolina (8) K, 46th North Carolina; (9) I, 49th North Carolina; (10) F, 55th North Carolina; (n) E, 57th North Carolina; (12) E, y2d North Carolina.

It may seem tedious to repeat over and over again the elemen- tary facts of the situation, but unless it is done, these facts will pass out of view. They are too precious to die from neglect. I wanted the personal features of the soldiers recounted in this last stand I am making in the open for their memory. Julius Caesar says of Crastinus, a Centurion of the tenth legion, that in the out- set of a battle he addressed his men in a bit of fervid speech, and turning to Caesar said: General, I shall deserve your thanks to- day, dead or living."

LaTour Dauvergne the first Grenadier of France was as famous as private soldier could be. The glory with which his name is surrounded is based on the clearest of facts; in 1767 at the age of 23 years, he entered the army. His heroism and successes were legion. His friend Le Brigand had lost his four sons upon the bat- tle field, and was called upon to give up his baby boy. La Tour Dauvergne exchanged with him and was accepted. He met his death at Oberhsusen. General Dessoles issued a special order to the army of the Rhine directing that the head of the roll of the 46th regiment should remain open when the roll was called over, the senior sergeant was to answer the name of La Tour Dauvergne " Dead on the field of honor." His heart was embalmed, placed in an urn and carried with the regiment down to 1814, these orders were relig- iously observed, on the 3Oth of last March the mortal remains of this wonderful private soldier were committed to the government of France and now rests beneath the dome of Les Invalides near the tomb of the illustrious Turenne.

I wish to portray your dead in some feeble approach to these mighty men entered into glory. To that end I asked through the press, which is always at attention for instances of personal valor above the common lot of virtuous manhood, I got one answer, and I would put this man and his friends upon a pinnacle of glory, but you would say that our orator is retained for special, interests. In