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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 34.djvu/177

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Yankee Gunboat "Smith Brings" 169

We remained at least an hour after firing- had ceased, searching for Lieutenant Perkins, of the infantry, but did not find him at the time. He died of his wound.

Under the circumstances, the captain did not think it prudent to keep the direct road, but went back some distance and took another road to camp.

We had not gone to sleep before a messenger cam.e with an order to proceed at once to Smithfield, as the Yankees had gone back to that place. It was then that two companies of infantry were sent.

I think a company of cavalry was already near Smithfield.

There was an intermission in the firing which perhaps Mr. Rodgers could explain.

I have always thought strange of the fact that they did not charge us, for we marched in plain view for about three-fourths of a mile, and they could have counted every man of us, and must certainly have known our weakness. The pickets came up during the en- gagement.

If Mr. Rodgers should desire to ask for further information con- cerning the Scott's Factory fight, I would take pleasure in replying if able to give what he wanted.

I have taken the liberty of addressing this to you, so that all parties connected with this correspondence might have some know- ledge of the facts, and will leave it for you to communicate to Mr. Rodgers and should the facts given be thought worthy of a place in history, would not object to seeing them in the Times- Dispatch.

Yours very truly,


NOTE. Sturdivant's Battery continued with its effective work on many bloody fields throughout the war, and its commander was promoted to the rank of Major. He was a popular and prominent lawyer of Richmond. ED.