Prison Remimscenses. 49
At Aiken's Landing we were transferred to our Confeder- ate steamer. "Once again under our own flag," I wrote on the Confederate steamer and sent it back by the Federal steamer to my home city to gladden the hearts of my friends there.
We landed at Rocketts, Richmond. As we proceeded up on our way to General Headquarters, and had gone but a short distance, we saw a boy selling some small apples. We inquired the price. "One dollar apiece," was the answer. It was a blow a staggering blow to thus learn of the utter deprecia- tion of the Confederate currency. I may just as well say here that all the prisoners at Johnson's Island stoutly maintained their confidence in the ultimate success of our cause. They never lost hope or faith. They never realized at all the despondency at home. The little boy with his apples told me that it was not so in Richmond. I at once seemed to feel the prevailing de- spondency in the very air, and ars we made our way up the street I felt and realized that there was a pall hanging over the city.
W 7 hen I reached General Headquarters I found out that we were not exchanged, that we were prisoners still, paroled pris- oners. I was given a furlough. Here it is before me now:
"Headquarters Department of Richmond,
RICHMOND, VA., March 3^, 1865.
In obedience to instructions from the Secretary of War the following named men (paroled prisoners) are granted fur- loughs for 30 days (unless sooner exchanged) at the expiration of which time they will, if exchanged, rejoin their respective com- mands.
Adjt. J. F. CROCKER, 9th Va. Regt.
By order of Lieut-General EWELL.
A. A. General."
The next day I went to the "Pay Bureau Q. M. Depart- ment." I was paid $600 in Confederate notes. I have before me the certificate that was given me.
RICHMOND, VA., March 4th, 1865. I certify that I have this day paid First Lieut, and Adjt.