sooner or later your cause will weaken. "We should build this Battle Abbey upon a safe foundation, if we would preserve it as an object lesson to teach our children the principles for which these heroes, of whose lives and death this abbey is a memorial, would we make it; of imperishable interest and reverence for future generations?
A Confederate Matron,
Culpeper, Va., July 3, 1896.
My Dear Mrs. Green: Thanks for the copies of your appeal to the people in the matter of the Battle Abbey. For myself, I cannot see the reason why the Confederate executive mansion is not the most fitting place for the memorials of our struggle. It is quite large enough for the purpose, and if not, there is ample ground around the house for an annex. It seems to me but preposterous to think of Washington city as a site for such a museum.
Your article is very well considered and should have a good deal of weight, coming as it does from the daughter of a gallant soldier, whose name was the synonym of honor and patriotism.
Believe me, very sincerely yours,
V. Jefferson Davis.
New York, Aug. 17, 1896.
The Buckingham.
My Dear Mrs. Green: Yours came safely and read with much interest.
As I have written you already, I am with you in the Richmond view, and will help in any way I am able. But it is not possible for me to write for it. I am forging my way to the front slowly, I hope. But I must not impede that progress by work of any sort.
My correspondence is large, and all that I can do is to respond to my friends briefly in a few words.