battle-fields made easily accessible by good roads and electric lines, the number of veterans who will revisit these scenes will be almost beyond computation.
William L. Yancey's Speech Urging Its Establishment.
To the Editor of the Dispatch:
Referring to the recent communication of General Bradley T. Johnson with reference to the Confederate Supreme Court, I suggest that the files of the Richmond papers of the 18th and 19th of March, 1863, if accessible, will probably throw some light on the subject, as on the 17th of that month—St. Patrick's Day—I heard William L. Yancey deliver an elaborate speech in the Confederate Senate on a bill then pending for the establishment of a Supreme Court. I sat near Mr. Yancey while he was speaking, and during a pause, I heard him ask the stenographer whether he was able to keep up with him. He said that he had tried to be more deliberate than usual, as he was anxious to have a full and correct report of his speech.
J. R. Satterfield.
Salem, Ala., July 14, 1899.