Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 36.djvu/229

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Catlett's Station Raid Again.


King William Courthouse, June 12, 1899.

To the Editor of the Dispatch:

Some time ago I sent to the Dispatch, a communication entitled "My Recollections of General J. E. B. Stuart's Raid on Catlett's Station." In that communication I endeavored to state nothing but what came under my personal observation, and what were actual facts. Since writing I have read "Another Account of that Raid on Catlett's," in which the writer, L. M. Redd, says I wrote both "fact and fiction." Had my name been signed to the piece when it was printed, I am sure my old comrade and friend would never have accused me of writing "fiction." The scenes and events of that night do not call for fiction. The realities were too numerous and exciting to be enlarged upon. And, really, I don't see a great deal of difference between my recollections and his. The only difference appears to be(1) as to who the man was who climbed the telegraph pole, and (2) whether the man came down with a "thud" when fired on, or whether he backed down, bear fashion, "'slowly."

I maintain that the man belonged to the Gloucester Cavalry, and that he did come down with a "thud," and I mean no disparagement to him when I say so. Nor do I mean any reflection upon him. Most soldiers would have done likewise. Nothing could be accomplished by staying up there. My friend Redd says the man who volunteered to climb the pole was a member of Company G. I should be the last man of my old company to detract anything of praise from any member of that old company. I love them all too much for that. They were all brave soldiers, and would go wherever ordered; but I often observed during the war that where the danger was great and little could be accomplished the officer in command would call for volunteers, thereby leaving it to the soldier to perform the duty as he best saw how.

Had Captain Newton that night ordered any man in his com-