Judge J. A. Campbell's Noble Offices—His Arbitrary Imprisonment—The Character of Lincoln Appealingly Exhibited.
The highly interesting papers here printed, which present a vivid picture of a period of intense anxiety to our people of the South, have been retained by me since their reception. The originals will now be deposited in the Museum building for preservation by the Confederate Memorial Literary Society, with the valuable collection of manuscripts hitherto confided to it by the Southern Historical Society.
The 3rd paper mentioned is not printed, as all of its essential details are given in the 2nd paper. It bears the statement: "This letter was found among Judge Campbell's papers after his arrest. It is apparently the original letter which some after-thought prevented its being sent to its destination."
The truly noble devotion of Judge Campbell must command undying admiration, whilst the character of the "martyred president," as exhibited, must appeal to the sensibility of every one, even the most rancorous.—Ed.
Norfolk, Va., October 24th, 1904.
R. A. Brock, Esq.,
Secretary, Southern Historical Society,
Richmond, Va.
Dear Sir: Enclosed I send you for a place among the archives of the Southern Historical Society the following original papers written by the late Judge John A. Campbell.
1. A letter of Judge Campbell to Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, dated October 25th, 1877.
2. A statement of Judge J. A. Campbell addressed to Hon. J. J. Speed, Attorney General, U. S., dated August 31, 1865, written from Fort Pulaski, Georgia.