leaving the house we could scarcely walk 200 yards, we were so full of loaf-bread and buttermilk. However, we continued our tramp, and about 2 P. M. came to a little country store, where we had a short rest, some peaches, and a chat with a "blue-coat"—the first we had met. He was very nice, and gave us peaches and some matches, which we needed very much. We then proceeded on our way, till about 4 o'clock in the evening, and having digested our loaf-bread and buttermilk, we called on an old lady at a farm-house and asked for a snack. She gave us broiled bacon and bread. However, she was a little insulting, insinuating that we were "Johnnies." Of course, we resented the insult in as forcible language as was prudent, and continued on our way until night, when we had a very good rest and sleep.
The next morning we proceeded on our way, having on the night before, as I should have mentioned, secured a map of the country from a little school-house by the way. We learned from a farmer that we could, a few miles above, cross the Chesapeake bay on a coal-boat over to Havre de Grace. We soon came to the coaling station, and found a boat loaded and ready to put across the bay. We stepped aboard without leave, and without speaking a word to any of the crew, passed over the bay in a short time, landing about sundown.
Once across the Chesapeake bay we had no more matter of consequence to contend with. Our boat, however, landed above the mouth of the Susquehanna river, and just after we had landed—about dark—a train came and was passed over the liver on a ferry-boat. We thought this a good chance to cross the river, and stepped on a car, but were soon discovered by the conductor, who very impolitely, and in rather vigorous language, ordered us off. However, we were in a good humor about that time, and as we were on furlough and in the enemy's country, we decided to obey orders. Failing to cross on the car, we proceeded up the river a short distance, where we called upon an old darky, with whom we had supper, consisting of old boiled rooster and green corn, the "toughest go" I ever had. However, he was hospitable and kind and we were ever thankful to the good old man. After supper we proceeded to the river, and soon found a boat, broke the lock, and rowed across.