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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 37.djvu/341

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First Day on Left at Gettysburg.

ter, and why the battle had so suddenly stopped. I naturally and modestly held my horse a little back from this distinguished group, but caught portions of the conversation, but too indistinctly to attempt to repeat it at this late day; but I think I cannot be mistaken when I say that both General Early and General Gordon were earnestly urging an immediate and 'further advance. I could not hear General E well's language, but evidently General Swell's manner indicated resistance to their appeal. We did not hear of General Lee's appearance about our lines, I should think, for an hour and a half or two hours after this. Then it became rumored amongst us that General Lee was on the grounds. Of course, I knew nothing of the interview General Gordon spoke about in the red barn, as he says that occurred at 2 o'clock at night, and at that hour I and my men and horses were enjoying much needed rest.

I do not know that General Gordon had any knowledge of what I have just written in regard to my movements with my company and General Early. I never made any report of it, and I do not know that General Early did; and General Gordon's attention, of course, was directed to the front. My battery was not engaged at all on the 2nd and 3rd. I was ordered back to a certain point on the railroad. My instructions were to remain there and guard that point. I do not know the object; and it turned out I had nothing to do. The consequence was that my horses and men were rested and in good condition, and I was ordered by General Early to carry up the rear of his division in the retreat.

I think it was very near daylight the next morning when I left Gettysburg. There appeared to be no hurry or confusion. My recollection is that Colonel White's battalion of cavalry remained between me and the enemy during the day, and acted as a sort of escort for me, though I had to unlimber several times to make a show against the enemy's advance, nothing of consequence occurred until we reached a place called Fairfield, on July 5th, when they brought up a battery upon the hills in the rear of us and killed several of my horses, and broke the tongue of one of my pieces. This blocked the road for a few moments, but it was not five minutes before General Early was