94 Southern Historical Society Papers.
Taken by Union Taken by Morgan's
County. troops. men.
Hocking i8 38
Jackson 64 190
Jefferson 66 68
Meigs 86 265
Morgan 20 32
Muskingum 29 40
Noble 14 15
Perry 9 54
Pike 60 80
Ross 3
Sciota 6 3
Vinton 29 116
Warren i i
Washington 34 2
Total 1,308 2,261
Morgan entered Ohio with about 1,800 men, so it seems that they did not average much over one remount to the man while in that State. The tabulation shows that Morgan's Union pur- suers had a very pretty knack of their own in the matter of appropriating horse-flesh. And it must be remembered that these 1,308 horses here shown as taken by Union troops were never returned to their owners, who were paid for them by the State of Ohio, while the Union troops who "pressed" them, kept them.
Large numbers of Ohio horses captured from IMorgan at Buffington Island and in succeeding fights were not returned to their owners, but were kept by their captors, and their owners were paid for them by the State of Ohio under the head of "Rebel damages." Deducting also this considerable item from the sum total of "Rebel damages," and it begins to make that $428,168 "look like thirty cents."
The commissioners say in their report: "A separate column has been kept in the claims for damages by rebels of the value